Below market value explained
Finding the best possible deal just for you!
Buying a property below market value is when you buy a property for less than its true value on the open market.
But wait don’t the majority of houses go for Below Market Value anyway? After all, no one ever offers the asking price...
Well, not necessarily. You see the asking price is what the property is marketed for which doesn’t necessarily represent its value. In fact, many times asking prices are overinflated due to an agent’s overvaluation or a homeowner’s unrealistic expectations. So even if a property goes for significantly below the asking price, it’s the figure that it sells for that dictates its open market value.
A BMV property is anything priced below this figure. At Honest Property Investments, we specialise in BMV property so you don’t have to. Time is everything when dealing with property, so why waste yours sourcing your own BMV deals when we can do all the leg work for you? All you have to do is get in touch!